My prince has slipped!
and his face has turned
to shadow
his tongue no longer strong
but gray (how sad!)
it used to be so full
of spit and roses
My prince the stars have
fallen from your crown
and I can not fathom
their fading-
some things should be forever!
You've taken your coal
and your seaward gaze-
You've taken your will
and your weakness and left
me with nothing but
words to keep me warm
But I don't want them!
Take them back!
I want Paris
I want you drunk on wine
I want to walk with you
and hold you up
and giggle and kiss
God how I miss
your smile and thick skin
At night
(Do you remember?)
How I'd worry
and you'd press me tight
against you. Extinguishing
the red flame
of my head against
your shoulder
Smooth as chalk dust you'd laugh
in the face of
death and uncertainty
Do you remember?
You'd say time knew nothing
well now you're gone
and time is all I have left