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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Never-ending story necklace.

I found my favourite Necklace that I thought I had lost. It reminds me of the never ending story, I bought it from a man off the street last summer. He sold books off the sidewalk spread out on a blanket, he also had lots of necklaces which were all made of antique watches he dissected. He said that each necklace represented a different phase of the moon.
This was the same man who earliar in the same summer had given me and emily a free book. He saw us looking at his books and told us that we reminded him of his dead wife, the only women who he ever loved, he told us he could feel her spirit all around him. Then he carefully examined each of his books and handed us each one; "Sometimes you can just tell what book someone needs, I think books should be prescribed to people like medication". The book he gave me was Immortality, by Milan Kundera and it was a fantastic book. He was right, it was just what I needed. it also led me to read all of Milan Kundera's novels, and he is know one of my favourite authors.
This experience has always stuck with me. I think most people wouldnt have talked to him, or said he was creepy but he was an extroirdinary and kind man.

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