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Hypocrite. My insides ooze

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

4 Martinis later and I still can't get over the election results....

Maybe some people think it's silly or pointless to stress about politics because apathy is really hip or whatever. However, I cannot get over the fact that conservative won majority. At the very least, I expected a minority goverment.
WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE LIVE IN THIS COUNTRY? How can anyone support a governemtn who cares so little for the common man, elderly, the poor. A government who favours oil companies and foreign investment over better health care and social programs.
A government who models themselves after the U.S. It's like the only argument people have is lowering taxes and recognition. WE NEED CHAHGE.
And the man himself is a self centred, egotistical prick! Personality should count, this is the man that is representing our country and he's doing a shitty job.
I just....
I'm just ranting I know. but what else am I supppsed to use this stupid blog for? I don't even know.

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